Apple Cider Stand

Every Wednesday at 4:00 PM. Come join us outside for some cookies, apple cider and prayer.

Christmas Eve candlelight service

December 24 at 3:30 p.m. Join us for our candlelight service. Nursery available.

Christmas PotBless!

After church on December 15. Bring a salad or main dish to share.

Kids Praise!

December 15, during the worship service. Come hear Refuge kids share their sweet voices as they sing Christmas songs during the offering time.

Christmas Party for Jesus!

Wednesday, December 18 from 6:15-7:45. Kids! Kindergarten-6th grade. Come celebrate the birth of our Savior with food, games, carols, prizes AND the Christmas story!

Thank you to everyone who supports and/or comes out to East Immanuel!
Together, we share the love and light of Christ!